The Artificial Intelligence Trifecta

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the next frontier that will revolutionize the way we work in the coming years. The practice of law is no exception.

But questions abound. Will the increase in AI applications reduce the need for lawyers? What will graduating lawyers do if computers take over entry-level jobs? Can your firm afford AI technology and the knowledgeable workforce required to make use of it?

 The truth is that AI is poised to pave the way for systemic improvements in how we practice law, and it can do the same for your legal practice. AI applications have the potential to make your firm better in three primary ways: giving you better results, for better clients, from better lawyers.

Does this sound too good to be true? Let us start by looking at what AI is and what it is not. We will then turn to how it can forge improvements in your practice.

Read more HERE

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